Advertising details                               

 Reality Lanka                              Registered company since Nov 2004



* We will publish your vehicle on our website with 05 images & a description.


* We publish your direct contact details

   (optionally we could bring clients on a commission basis as well if required)


* Your advertisement will go on


*Our ref on (since year 2004)

  Plus on



*Plus go on following international websites.



* We do a monthly news letter to about 50,000 recipients including most of the embassies in Colombo.



*Goes in our Face book page shard with 5000+customers.

    Face book-Reality Lanka


*Our web site consists of 456 visitors per day, worldwide.


* Shared with our own clinatale,worldwide.


* The advertising fee will be All inclusive-Rs.5,000/- (valid for one year)


* Any changes possible within the year at no additional charge.




       Pay online  



Tel no's0714920402 or 2716920.               


Also we do properties as well.......                                                                                               



If interested in any of the below given properties please contact us 


                          Reality Lanka Tel/fax: 2716920   Hotline: 0714920402    Viber: 0779004642   Email:                                                                                                          

Apts Sale / Lease 
Bare lands
Factories & ware houses
Office space 
Short term accom.  
Area wise (Colombo-01 to Colombo-15) 
Area wise (Colombo suburbs)
  Area wise (Outstation)
  Search price wise
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